Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Candle Cove's New Season!

Well, I just finished directing the latest episode of Candle Cove. I swear, this new season's gonna be a doozy, that's for sure! I've been working nonstop over the past few weeks, getting ready to bring everything together! It's been a bit frantic, to be honest.

Did you know that Janice needs to eat? It's been a bit difficult to feed her though. I got her stuff that I'm pretty sure little girls like... pretzels and juice... animal crackers... Yeah Janice refuses to cooperate really, and as much as the Mistress doesn't like using Strings on Janices, she's been forced to. Yknow, it's weird, it wasn't until I saw her putting a string into Janice's wrist that I realized I'd stop feeling the one in the back of my neck...

Regardless, expect the next episode sometime soon! It'll be great.