Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We've got 'em.

Well, Percy went to find the new Janice today, and it was a resounding success. Melanie... Er, Janice, sorry... Will be a wonderful new addition to our show! As well, it seems the DVD sales were a good source of revenue! We managed to sell half our stock to a Mr... Well, there's no way in hell I can type that out accurately... But still, I'm not complaining!

This is truly amazing! There's been hustle and bustle all throughout the recording studio to get everything ready in time, and we'll be ready to air in just a few days!

I need to go prepare everything! We need to go order new cameras from the Newborn, I need to hire a makeup artist from the Mirror Queen, get Janice to stop crying so loudly... There's simply so much to do!