Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We Are All Puppets

Well, bad news for those of you who followed this blog out of genuine interest, I have to stop posting. The Mistress suddenly realized that having me posting about the inner workings of her lovely Domain probably wasn't a very good idea.

Though, there is some good news. We've already shot the newest season of Candle Cove. Expect the first episode to air in about a week. I will tell you, it's one heck of a season! Our newest Percy barely made it through!

But, regardless, this is it. I'm sure I'll be seeing all you good folks soon enough.

The Mistress is looking for extras as we speak.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Candle Cove's New Season!

Well, I just finished directing the latest episode of Candle Cove. I swear, this new season's gonna be a doozy, that's for sure! I've been working nonstop over the past few weeks, getting ready to bring everything together! It's been a bit frantic, to be honest.

Did you know that Janice needs to eat? It's been a bit difficult to feed her though. I got her stuff that I'm pretty sure little girls like... pretzels and juice... animal crackers... Yeah Janice refuses to cooperate really, and as much as the Mistress doesn't like using Strings on Janices, she's been forced to. Yknow, it's weird, it wasn't until I saw her putting a string into Janice's wrist that I realized I'd stop feeling the one in the back of my neck...

Regardless, expect the next episode sometime soon! It'll be great.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We've got 'em.

Well, Percy went to find the new Janice today, and it was a resounding success. Melanie... Er, Janice, sorry... Will be a wonderful new addition to our show! As well, it seems the DVD sales were a good source of revenue! We managed to sell half our stock to a Mr... Well, there's no way in hell I can type that out accurately... But still, I'm not complaining!

This is truly amazing! There's been hustle and bustle all throughout the recording studio to get everything ready in time, and we'll be ready to air in just a few days!

I need to go prepare everything! We need to go order new cameras from the Newborn, I need to hire a makeup artist from the Mirror Queen, get Janice to stop crying so loudly... There's simply so much to do!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Found A New Janice...

Well, the mistress managed to find a perfectly good new Janice. A young girl by the name of Melanie. I'm not going to spill any more than that because I'm sure some hero or another is going to show up thrilled at the idea of killing a bunch of Mistresses' dolls. Whatever. We'll be sending Percy down to pick her up soon enough.

Mikey's nervous that our Mistress won't need him anymore. He knows what happens to people she finds useless. Unfortunately, we won't be getting rid of him any time soon. I think the Mistress rather enjoys getting the ratings up amongst the 3-7 age bracket. Whatever.

But yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I've been busy working on more amazing new shows for everyone. Another Briar Rose carrier came in. This one was a lot different from the ones I've dealt with before. They were covered head to toe in these heavy red clothes, but they gave off this air of desperation. Like they were going to throw themselves at anyone who bothered to give them the time of day. It was... Disturbing.

Right then, that's all for now. I'm needed at an infomercial, apparently the Mistress is selling a "Best of Candle Cove" DVD to drum up interest for the show now that it's coming back. Have a nice day, Runners.